Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indiana Jones

Dena and I did a couple of new things today, but I want to talk specifically about our first trip to the movies in quite some time. Following a lot of excitement about the new Indiana Jones movie, I asked Dena if she would like to go see it this evening. I've always been a big fan of the first three movies and figured that this one would at least be on par with those pictures.

The movie was decent enough but nowhere close to any of the first three installments of the series. The humor and action were there, the characters were good, but the plot was far too fantastical. It seemed liked they put special effects in just to put effects in. A little bit of a disappointment in both Dena's and my opinions.

All in all, I expect way more from George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. My advice is see it at a matinee showing or wait for the DVD. Better yet, save your money and put it towards the new DVD releases of the original movies or towards the upcoming Lego Indiana Jones video game, which if it's anything like the Lego Star Wars games, will provide hours and hours of entertainment.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

New Glasses

I need to share something really cool with all of my loyal eyeglass-wearing readers. I am sick and tired of paying $200 or more for a pair of glasses that only end up getting scratched or destroyed. As an electrician, I have been through 3 pair of glasses in the last year. If I'm not getting hit in the face with a light fixture or getting my head stuck in a ceiling, I'm getting covered with drywall or concrete dust which ends up messing up my lenses when I try to wipe them off.

I found a really cool web-site that offers glasses that they manufacture at a more than reasonable rate and they are actually better quality than I ever could have imagined. I got two pair of regular prescription glasses and a pair of prescription sunglasses for $60. That's right, $60!!!!!

If you wear glasses, do yourself a favor and check out You just need to get a copy of your prescription, pick out some frames that you like, and enter the info. I got my new glasses in 12 days. I'm more than impressed with these guys and I can see again!!!