Saturday, May 17, 2008

New Glasses

I need to share something really cool with all of my loyal eyeglass-wearing readers. I am sick and tired of paying $200 or more for a pair of glasses that only end up getting scratched or destroyed. As an electrician, I have been through 3 pair of glasses in the last year. If I'm not getting hit in the face with a light fixture or getting my head stuck in a ceiling, I'm getting covered with drywall or concrete dust which ends up messing up my lenses when I try to wipe them off.

I found a really cool web-site that offers glasses that they manufacture at a more than reasonable rate and they are actually better quality than I ever could have imagined. I got two pair of regular prescription glasses and a pair of prescription sunglasses for $60. That's right, $60!!!!!

If you wear glasses, do yourself a favor and check out You just need to get a copy of your prescription, pick out some frames that you like, and enter the info. I got my new glasses in 12 days. I'm more than impressed with these guys and I can see again!!!

1 comment:

old man neill said...

yep...i bought a bunch of them too from zenni...quite a deal.