Monday, March 3, 2008

A Really Great Question

During our small group meeting last night, one of the group members posed the following question to me which has had me thinking about it ever since. "How could you ever choose not to have God as a part of your life and what made you change your mind?"

I'm finding it very difficult to answer this question. I really think that my decision to not make God a part of my life until now was more an issue of pride than anything else. I've been something of a loner for the majority of my adult life and I guess I didn't feel that I needed His help and that I could do it on my own. And even if He was there to help me, how could I know for sure? I'm pretty certain that I was not in the minority among those who do not have God in their lives when it came to my skepticism.

As for what made me change my mind, again, I am having a hard time definitively answering this question. The past few years of my life have been a roller-coaster ride. Problems with depression, my marriage, my family, my career, etc. have pretty much defined my thirty's. I hit bottom many times during that time and experienced very few truly happy moments.

I can only say that I just think I was just ready to give God a chance. It also helped that He pretty much dropped Tommy and ICC on my doorstep. ICC literally meets less than a half-mile from my house and everything about the church fits what I'm about - cool, hard-working, faithful, "normal" people who are trying to make Jesus a part of the lives of those who have either lost faith in or have never had a relationship with Him. They are literally removing all the "crap" from what I have experienced with church in the past - this is a come-as-you-are church that focuses only on the only things that matter - His word and making it part of your everyday life. I just can't imagine being in a better situation than I am at this very moment.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bro. Hang in there and stay on the journey. Walked the trail with Jesus for over 50 years and even though I have not always been faithful, He has. Known Tommy and Lamar for a few years. When you see Tommy Sunday, tell him Colbert is at the race in Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob - I wanted to let you know I am following your blog. I think pride is something we all battle with regardless of where we are in our walk.

It is great to have you in His family as well as being in ours.