Monday, March 3, 2008

What A Great Week!

I was doing some thinking last night - I'm sure the smoke could be seen for miles - I really had an awesome week last week (2/22-3/2)!

Even though I had a small car accident on the ice on 2/22 - I plowed over this guy's mailbox on the way to my sister's house - and business is still pretty slow right now, I got to spend plenty of time with my family (dinner at Joe's Crab Shack for my sister's b-day - yum! and lunch at my mom and dad's on Wednesday with my 2-year old nephew, Walker - he's a riot!), rocked the ICC church service twice, had a great lunch with Tommy, led our small group meeting twice, both cars passed inspection, had dinner with my good buddy Greg and his wife, and ICC had it's best attendance yet - my mom put us over the top :) Not too bad if you ask me.

The topper for the week was that Tommy asked me if I was ready to be baptized. I was like "heck yea!". My baptism is scheduled for 4/20 following the church service. I'm really psyched up about it!

I'm 100% certain that a year ago, I would have been so consumed with the fact that business is slow that I wouldn't have noticed most, if any of these great things. God is really working some cool stuff in my life! I really think 2008 is going to be a great year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um - I think this is a counting your blessing moment!! I've been praying for that for years!!! And you've finally arrived!!! Love you!